Wellness MD
Wellness MD
Radiant Skin
Listen to this podcast for tips on improving your skin.
Medical Dr. Daniela Steyn and her Life Coach sister JB give advice on creating perfect skin.
Skin disorders can be very frustrating and lead to decreased self-esteem. There is a wide range of skin disorders and it is best to have your specific skin disorder diagnosed by your Physician. The most common of these conditions include Acne, Eczema (atopic dermatitis), Rosacea, Seborrheic Dermatitis.
The good news is that there are many things within your control that you can do to improve your skin.
Dr. Daniela will discuss different causes of acne including:
1: Hormonal Acne: She explains what an excess of androgens are, how inflammation causes hormonal acne, and how some foods can trigger hormonal acne.
2: Food Sensitivities are very commonly a cause of acne.
3: They explain why stress causes acne and how to manage your stress.
4: You will learn which fats in your diet can improve your skin
5: Foods to avoid.
6: Check your beauty products
Your current beauty routine might be causing/exacerbating your acne. More than 50% of acne cases are triggered by cosmetic products. The Environmental Working Group’s database Skin Deep helps to compare safety ratings for various personal care products on the market. Sticking to a high-quality, natural cleanser, moisturizer, and toner that you use once daily. Less is always better.
7: Drink more water!
8: Detox.
***During the podcast Dr. Daniela Steyn mentions supplements. Our podcast listeners wanted to know which supplements to take. Even though Dr. Steyn does not endorse ANY pharmaceutical/ commercial product, and strongly advises our listeners to contact their own Health care providers before taking any supplements, this is a list of supplements she often recommends, depending on the individual's skin condition, other medical illnesses and diet.
Supplements that are often prescribed for acne management:
Vitamin A: 3000units/day (talk to your doctor)
Vitamin C: 1000mg /day
Zinc: 50mg/day
Selenium 200mcg/day
Chromium 200-400 mcg/day
Vit D3: 2000 iu/day (ideally measure blood levels and adjust dosage accordingly)
Fish oils: 3000mg EPA+ DHA/day
Probiotics: active lactobacillus and bifidobacteria cultures: a minimum of 5billion colony-forming units/day.
*Legal Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes only. For your individual medical advice, please contact your own Health Care provider. Never ignore medical advice because of something you have heard on this podcast.
For a video recording of this podcast on Youtube: WellnessMD
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