Wellness MD
Wellness MD
Vitamin D
Listen as Dr. Daniela Steyn, Medical Doctor and her Life Coach sister JB discuss what vitamin D is, and how you will benefit from having optimal levels of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin due to our skin’s incredible ability to absorb ultraviolet light from the sun to form Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol. We can also get vitamin D from our diet. Unfortunately, Vitamin D naturally occurs only in very few foods.
We need Vitamin D for:
· normal calcium homeostasis.
· support the immune system and fight inflammation.
· Oral health
· Vitamin D can help treat hypertension: According to a 2019 review published in the journal Current Protein & Peptide Science suggests that vitamin D may play a role in the treatment of high blood pressure where they have found even short-term vitamin D deficiency may directly raise blood pressure which in turn may lead to organ damage.
· Weight management. Obesity is a risk factor for Vitamin D deficiency. On the flip side, one 2009 study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that, in overweight or obese women with low calcium levels, those who took a daily dose of calcium paired with vitamin D were more successful shedding pounds than those who took a placebo supplement
· Effect on mood: The sun can brighten up your mood, and so can vitamin D. According to a 2017 review article in the journal Neuropsychology, researchers found "a significant relationship between depression and vitamin D deficiency.”
· cancer-fighting powers.
They discuss the causes of Vitamin D deficiency.
Canadian recommendation is to take a vitamin D supplement year-round and not only in the winter months. Healthy adults require 1000iu Vit D3 (cholecalciferol) daily.
Here are some natural food sources of vitamin D:
· Swordfish
· Rainbow trout
· Salmon
· Cod liver oil
· Snapper
· Egg yolk
· Tuna
· Mushrooms
Vitamin D fortified products:
· Cow’s milk
· Plant-based milk substitutes
· Margarine
· Infant formula
· Formulated liquid diets/foods for use on a very low energy diet/meal replacements
· (Fortification of these products are mandated in Canada, fortification is voluntary for butter substitutes, condensed milk and goat’s milk)
As always check in with your doctor before you decide to try vitamin D in supplement form.
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