Wellness MD


Dr. Daniela Steyn & JB Ryan Season 1 Episode 102

Join Medical Doctor, Dr. Daniela Steyn and her Life Coach sister, JB, as they discuss epigenetics.

They discuss how your genes play an important role in your health, but so do your behaviours, your environment, what you eat and how physically active you are. 

In Medicine, there is a field called epigenetics. Epigenetics look at how your behaviour change how your genes work. Epigenetic changes are reversible, it doesn’t change our DNA, but change how your body reads our DNA.

 They further discuss how you can use food as medicine to treat and prevent illness.

Your body gets all its nutrients and energy from what you eat. Your food is your fuel. When we need our bodies to function at it’s highest capacity, we really need to optimize our diets. 

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